Friday, May 4, 2012

Improv Sewing obsession

I discovered a new book, Improv Sewing and it's perfect for me! This book is all about just sewing. I love making clothes but hate using patterns. The premise of the book is basically that you cut up a well fitting shirt (I have 2 I cut up-one old one from H&M and one with a hole in it from the gap) and from there you make a pattern.
After I bought the book (and mingled with the authors at the book release and demo at Fancy Tiger) I raced home and made this dress:

Here are some cute details I added at the bottom:

It was so easy to make and fits great. And, who doesn't love jersey? It's like wearing pjs.

Yesterday I had a chance to really dive into the book. I took their suggestion and ran to the thrift store at lunch. I got 3 men's XL t shirts and a twin size sheet that's made out of some sort of jersey-stretchy stuff. I got all of this material for just $11. Last night I sewed 2 t shirts. One was a success, one wasn't (but at this price, who cares?).
Here's the shirt that worked:

That started as a men's XL t shirt (I forgot to take a before picture, but you can imagine). It had a logo on it that could not be avoided, so I cut it out and added a reverse appliqued flower!

Here's a link to the book:


  1. So cute! Love it! buying that book immediately!

  2. Okay, these are fantastic! I love how you are letting your creative juices flow!!!

  3. love what you did!! i just got my copy of the book yesterday!
